Calm Down Strategies & Self-Control Social Emotional Learning Lesson

Let’s help students make positive choices when calming down with this social emotional learning lesson! Come meet Tommy (puppet)! Tommy is pretending to be a pirate and shows all the gold coins he found only to find that some are missing. He gets extremely frustrated but remembers how to calm down and solve his problem. Find the game here: I Can Calm Down
How will learning take place? Through an engaging puppet video lesson to help students learn strategies to help them calm down.
Why teach this? We all get angry or upset sometimes so we need to give students the strategies and tools to help them appropriately calm down.
Additional Components (not included in the digital version on Boom Learning): There will be discussion questions, a transition activity to close the lesson as well as an extended learning idea on how to embed this casually into your classroom throughout the week or even better the year!
Find the game here: I Can Calm Down
Digital Version on boom learning: I Can Calm Down- Boom Cards