Chutes And Ladders Snack

I am back on the birthday activities again. Good thing my sister-in-law had her birthday because it has inspired myself and my boys to come up with some fun activities..First, the birthday cake and now this! I was first inspired to do this activity when coming across these amazing Fred and Friends plates- they are so neat! It is worth googling or checking out their instagram (@genuinefred).
The compartments of the plates are separated almost like a maze and in each little compartment you put some food and as the child eats, there are encouraging sayings to keep going. And the best part is when you get to the end there is a surprise treat! What a fun way to help picky eaters. I wish I would’ve invented this. But, back to the birthday story–we got the mini cupcakes for my sister-in-law’s (and I promise we were social-distancing) birthday and when they were gone we were left with the cupcake tray.
This is where the light bulb went off. I decided to use the compartments of the cupcake tray to put snacks in and turn it into a Chutes and Ladders snack game! As you can see from the pictures the arrows are hidden by the food but then are uncovered when the snack is eaten. My kids had to follow the arrows all the way around to get to the special treat (Hershey Kisses). I made arrows on pieces of paper and stuck them on the bottom of the container so that if my kids want to play again another time I can move the arrows so they don’t know which order the snacks will be eaten!
Or, you could just use a permanent marker and make arrows on the bottom of the containers. The best part is that you can prepare this snack ahead of time, put the cupcake tray lid on, put it in the fridge and it will be ready for whenever snack time is! I want to thank @genuinefred for this amazing plate and all the other plates you create for kids. Has anyone tried a Fred and Friends Plate? How did it go over with your kids?