Inside/Outside Letter Hunt

There is SO MUCH learning taking place during this activity and it doesn’t get much simpler than this! Here is what is taking place:
- Fine Motor :Squeezing hand into cup, pulling off tape, twisting cup and placing the letter on the line.
- Letter Recognition
- Matching
- Sequencing (knowing the order of the alphabet)
- Prepositions (inside, outside)** (if you’re lucky you will get the singing version sung 26 times as they have to think of the next letter HA!).
And…there is a whole lot of engagement! Kids like to “find” things–it is a fun game for them which is why Ollie (3) was engaged throughout this entire process and excited to find the next letter! Ollie is just learning his letters so this was perfect for him but it was also fun and engaging for Max (6) .
To Do: Write letters A-Z on tape and stick to a tall cup on both the inside and outside walls of the cup! Have your child find them in order and place in order on a separate strip of paper.