Mystery Treasure Hunt

My kids love to “find” things! Whether it’s people, toys, letters, numbers or of course food! So I try to make them treasure hunts every once in a while! I have wanted to do a water treasure hunt for a while but I couldn’t find a way to hide stuff in water until I tried good ol’ shaving cream!
I added a lot of pom poms and buttons to the water at first, (see photo 2) but you could also add toys and then mixed it with shaving cream to hide everything! Ollie (3) reached in and felt around, found an object, pulled it out, identified the color and sorted it into the colored cups! He sorted all of the treasures and then when he was done he used the shaving cream water to stir, dump, pour and even filled up a bucket (called it milk) and poured it into cups HA! I loved the creativity!